Align using scaled planning
Align your strategic objectives to roadmaps, 90-day plans, and team plans while creating common understanding and ownership

Yes, you can have a long-term plan
As Agile ways of working become more and more mainstream and evolve to product operating models, there is a misperception that we should not plan more than a few months ahead. This is a mistake – it goes against our brain’s need for certainty. Executive leadership needs to have an overview of a long-term strategic plan, teams at every level need to have an overview of where they are going together and why because what we make now affects what we might make later.
Plans and certainty go hand in hand
We need plans at each level to keep us focused. Ironically, we know that our old long-term plans where we figure everything out upfront don’t hold. So what do we do? Have plans that reflect the long-term, near-term and immediate-term with just enough detail to give clarity and direction at each level. We learn as we go, discovering customer needs, pain points and opportunities and then we change the plans to match real life by involving the people who do the work in planning the work.
Tie strategy to actions
We start with strategic objectives and slice them down to make a longer-term plan which provides direction – one that is long in time and thin in details. From that prioritized Long & Thin plan, we break the prioritized items down into a Short & Fat 90-day plan for action that includes work to discover and deliver customer value. From there, teams create their own team plans to make their work visible. We revisit and reprioritize the plans often. In this way, plans at every level are dynamic and drive common understanding, ownership and results.
Get inspired
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A simple hack to remove impediments
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Agile's not just a methodology
There is a common misperception in many organizations transforming to Agile ways of working that Agile is yet one more way to do project management.And to make it worse, there are many funny sounding names for the frameworks: Scrum, Kanban and SAF[…]
Get in touch
If you have any questions about our services, our wonderful customer relationship manager, Louise Navntoft, is happy to help.