See how goAgile can help you succeed with Intent-Based Leadership
In this video, I explain more on how we might help you get started with Intent-Based Leadership as a powerful tool for fostering Agile leadership, empowerment, and change within your team or organization
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During my free 30-minute call, I want to hear about the challenges you are facing and offer some initial ideas on how utilizing the principles and practices of Intent-Based Leadership might help. Simply send me a message, and I will send you an invitation. I hope to hear from you
Jenni Jepsen helps people transform organizations to create lasting change. Jenni is recognized for her work in change leadership and pragmatic Agile. She integrates neuroscience concepts into her coaching, training and sparring with leaders at every level. In addition to having her certificate in NeuroLeadership, Jenni is also a certified Intent-Based Leadership Practitioner, certified LEGO® Serious Play™ facilitator, and has numerous Agile certifications.
Jenni consults and speaks worldwide about leadership, teams, and how to take advantage of how our brains function to get optimal thinking in the workplace. She runs Intent-Based Leadership courses together with award-winning author of Turn the Ship Around!L. David Marquet, and is co-author of TOGETHER: How leaders involve & engage people to get great things done.
Intent-Based Leadership
Intent-Based Leadership is a behavioral-based approach to creating leaders at every level in the organization. The key is to give control while enhancing the organizational clarity and technical competence of your people. In that way, we take advantage of the thinking power of each person every day.
goAgile is a founding Intent-Based Leadership International partner and works closely with former nuclear submarine Captain L. David Marquet, leadership expert and award-winning author of Turn the Ship Around! and Leadership is Language.
If you have any questions about our services, our wonderful customer relationship manager, Louise Navntoft, is happy to help.
In our agile transformation, we have received a lot of good sparring and knowledge sharing from goAgile – both through ongoing dialog and through training in Agile Leadership. goAgile is always there for a good talk about challenges and steps in the Agile direction. I always get concrete advice, inspiration and energy from the talks with goAgile.