About us

goAgile was the first Agile consulting firm in Denmark, founded by Ole Jepsen in 2006. Since then, we have focused on our clients’ strategic ambitions first, and then on how pragmatic Agile ways of working and leading help accomplish those goals.

Our vision

To create environments where people thrive and get great things done.

Our mission

Our mission

In order to do more than just help organizations deliver the right product or service faster, we involve and engage people in a way that creates lasting change.

In order to do more than just help organizations deliver the right product or service faster, we involve and engage people in a way that creates lasting change.

Our values

Our values are deep inside each of us at goAgile:

Make a difference

Make a difference

We want to make a difference in everything we do – for our customers, ourselves and the communities in which we live and work.

Appreciate freedom

Appreciate freedom

We appreciate that we have the freedom to do the work we love.



We reach out for and share ideas where and whenever we can.


We know that trust and empathy drive our interactions with others.


We encourage and challenge ourselves and people around us to grow and reach their full potential.

Real value

We deliver real value by challenging, involving, engaging and inspiring our customers to work better.

Jenni Jepsen

Jenni helps people transform organizations to create lasting change. She is recognized for her work in change leadership and pragmatic Agile. Jenni trains, consults and speaks worldwide about leadership, empowering teams, and how to take advantage of how our brains function to create work environments where people thrive. 

In addition to having her certificate in NeuroLeadership, Jenni is also a certified Intent-Based Leadership® Practitioner, and certified StrategicPlay® with LEGO® Serious Play™ facilitator. She runs Intent-Based Leadership courses together with award-winning author of Turn the Ship Around! L. David Marquet, and is co-author of TOGETHER: How leaders involve & engage people to get great things done.


+45 4047 7850

Ole Jepsen

Ole works with organizations looking to lead change. Using his expertise in supporting product operating models, Intent-Based Leadership and facilitation, he helps turn programs around and create spaces where people thrive and deliver value. He is a leader in strategic, large-scale planning, and has a strong focus on how to get the benefits out of Agile ways of working in a pragmatic way, driving critical portfolio and program success. 


In addition to numerous Agile certifications, Ole is a Certified StrategicPlay® with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY™ facilitator and Intent-Based Leadership practitioner. He is co-author of TOGETHER: How leaders involve & engage people to get great things done. 


+45 5052 6212

Tobias Brock Fors

Tobias Brock Fors is a specialist in effective collaboration between Business stakeholders and the IT organization –both from a strategic and an operational level. Using a facilitative approach that focuses on facts and common goals, Tobias brings people with varying perspectives together to create a common path forward.

Tobias’ strategic and analytical style is complemented by strong competencies in facilitation, communication and working with stakeholders, as well as extensive experience in change management.


+45 6172 0317

Agge Kempff-Andersen

Agge is a seasoned developer and architect with a strong focus on optimizing socio-technical systems and improving team outcomes and operational capabilities. Drawing on his experience in Continuous Delivery and technical leadership, he is skilled at guiding teams through complex challenges, ensuring team ownership throughout the process. His approach emphasizes collaboration, minimizing dependencies, and aligning technical practices with business goals to create an effective development process.


+45 2712 3887

Thomas Ringling

Thomas brings his experience in leadership, architecture and development across a variety of industries to his work as a product coach. He understands the ins-and-outs of agile technical practices as well as Scrum, and has also worked as a Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Agile development trainer. Thomas has a great love for software development – especially in terms of good ‘craftsmanship' and, although his primary languages at work have been the usual OO suspects Java and C#, he is a polyglot – having years of experience with other languages, such as Python (Machine Learning and Data analysis), Ruby, Erlang/Elixir, and more. Because of his technical background and leadership skills, he is often asked to help bridge the communication gap between business and development teams, by enhancing clarity and improving team competencies.


+45 2712 3887

Louise Navntoft

Louise Navntoft is an accomplished Customer Relationship Manager with strengths in logistical coordination, planning and organizing courses and events, both in Denmark and abroad. She has her Bachelor’s degree in Education and many years’ experience managing administrative functions. She is educated in accounting, a DSDM-certified Agile Project Leader, certified Strategic Play© with LEGO® Serious Play™ facilitator and also has expertise in graphic facilitation. Louise acts as the goAgile “life saver” pitching in wherever the team and our clients need her.


+45 2712 3887

+45 2712 3887

goAgile ApS

Krogager 4,
DK-4000 Roskilde,

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© 2025 - goAgile ApS

+45 2712 3887

goAgile ApS

Krogager 4,
DK-4000 Roskilde,

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© 2025 - goAgile ApS

+45 2712 3887

goAgile ApS

Krogager 4,
DK-4000 Roskilde,

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© 2025 - goAgile ApS

+45 2712 3887

goAgile ApS

Krogager 4,
DK-4000 Roskilde,

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© 2025 - goAgile ApS