Brain-friendly change

Minimize the pain of change and keep the focus by involving, engaging and supporting your people all along the way

The human brain is afraid of change

Our brains interpret anything new or different as a threat. Perceiving change as a danger is a survival mechanism hard-wired in our brains. And while organizations may have the best change plans and processes where leaders communicate all the benefits – people still resist change.

We understand the neuroscience around change

The thing about the brain is, the more we try to convince people of something, the more their limbic systems push back. Instead, by involving and engaging people in the change, supporting through the process, giving as much influence as possible, and guiding people as they act their way to new thinking, we activate people’s prefrontal cortices to help them feel motivated and boost cognitive thinking
through change.

Start where people are

Naturally, people have different starting points when it comes to change. We start where people are, consider their various maturity levels, and use experiments to make the shift to new behaviors required by the change easier.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about our services, our wonderful customer relationship manager, Louise Navntoft, is happy to help.

+45 2712 3887

goAgile ApS

Krogager 4,
DK-4000 Roskilde,

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© 2025 - goAgile ApS

+45 2712 3887

goAgile ApS

Krogager 4,
DK-4000 Roskilde,

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© 2025 - goAgile ApS

+45 2712 3887

goAgile ApS

Krogager 4,
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+45 2712 3887

goAgile ApS

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